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In the past, I have searched the web for sites about people like me with a weight problem and how they over came their obstacles, but I did not find many where the person started out weighing over 150 pounds. So, I have decided to do my own and be my own motivation.
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My personal life is over
Not to say that I had a big one to begin with, but my job is taking over my life. I know that it is busy season for us, but I thought we would ease into it. Put it this way I won't be making it to the 9 pm step class tonight.

You might say why are you so shocked you knew this was coming. Well, last year my busy season was so easy that I didn't even care that it was busy season. Now I am definitely going to have to go to the gym in the morning and on the weekends. Oh, wait a minute, I'll be working those too. This sucks, once again, I didn't do this last year. I even was on time for work today. Not anymore what's the point? I won't get out any earlier.

I know what I have to do, I must stay on track. I was doing good today for food, but I set my self up for failure. I allowed myself to buy lunch because it was my first day at this client and I didn't know what they did for lunch. I bought a turkey burger, that's not entirely bad, but if you would have saw the bun you would have slapped my hand with a ruler. I did prepare for the rest of the day, so I will be okay.

Tomorrow morning go to the gym and take food for the whole day. Okay, I won't have enough time, so I will have to make better choices.
Posted by Stacey @ 4:20 PM :: (1) comments
About Me
Name: Stacey
Home: Queens, New York
See my complete profile


Age: 27
Height: 5'7"
SW: 232 | CW: 232 | GW: 160
Plan: Semi Body-for-Life

Email: Special Lady

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