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In the past, I have searched the web for sites about people like me with a weight problem and how they over came their obstacles, but I did not find many where the person started out weighing over 150 pounds. So, I have decided to do my own and be my own motivation.
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Did Someone Say 170's
I did! Just like I predicted Saturday was the day that I first came in at 179.6lbs. and today we are down a few more tenths. So I believe it is official. Yay! To think I was so close about 4 months ago, but then I threw it all away. I guess my head got too big and I though that I can stop everything now and go back to it easily. Not! So it has taken me 6 weeks to undo 4 months of damage, that's not too bad in my books. I'm happy that I am sticking to my guns.

So for the past week or so I haven't been journaling my foods because I haven't had enough time, but I've been eating the same foods. I also haven't lost much over the past week, so it makes me wonder is it a mental thing as well. Because I know exactly what I am putting into my body, it in turn says that is reasonable so I will allow you to lose weight. Crazy I know. It's just how I think sometimes.

So I am at my new all time low, virgin fat if you will, but I still am the same shape that I have always been except smaller. Yes I'm stronger and fitter, but sometimes you want those drastic changes. Mine is that I want to be rid of my lower lip, no not my actual lip but that low part of my stomach that hangs there that I could move up and down and it would look like my stomach is talking to you (which it does sometimes…lol). That and the back fat rolls. I see them getting smaller which is good, but I want them to be gone already.

Anywho, there is about a week and a half left until Thanksgiving. I haven't told anyone that I reached a new low. I want to have this big reveal come next Thursday. Of course most won't notice, but it is an accomplishment that I would like to share.

Hope everyone's weekend went well.
Posted by Stacey @ 8:04 AM :: (0) comments
About Me
Name: Stacey
Home: Queens, New York
See my complete profile


Age: 27
Height: 5'7"
SW: 232 | CW: 232 | GW: 160
Plan: Semi Body-for-Life

Email: Special Lady

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