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In the past, I have searched the web for sites about people like me with a weight problem and how they over came their obstacles, but I did not find many where the person started out weighing over 150 pounds. So, I have decided to do my own and be my own motivation.
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So what have I been doing for the past week and a half? Nothing. No gym for me. I but ironically I managed to lose a little. So what does this mean? It is possible to lose muscle that fast? Tomorrow I am going back to my normal routine. I think my body needed a break. Everyday I was sore this is not normal after consistent working out. It was like a whole body ached even after getting enough sleep.

I was beginning to get nervous and think I had to go to the doctor because the sore feeling wasn't going away and it was a different type of sore, not like what I am use to. If it starts up again I will be going to the doctor.

This past weekend was a good one as I tried to stay out of my apartment for as long as possible and I accomplished this. Saturday morning I went to the movies to catch a matinee because only the first showing is considered a matinee. Hey I saved $3.25 and the theatre wasn't crowded. I went shopping for a new purse, not designer but I like it. I ate lunch and geared up for round two and headed to the mall. In the end I didn't by much, but it I was happy that I kept myself busy all day and didn't eat myself happy as I normally do when I don't leave my apartment.

Sunday I went to church for the first time in a while in the city and boy was the preacher speaking to me. The topic was "Casual Christians". I know that was me so all I could do was hang my head. I haven't been doing what I should and compromising where I shouldn't. I let a lot of things slide because nobody really knows what I do. I don't have anyone but my self to keep me accountable and you know I suck at that…lol.

I have been thinking of ways to do better and to meet like minded people. Hopefully I will put them into action as I should.
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About Me
Name: Stacey
Home: Queens, New York
See my complete profile


Age: 27
Height: 5'7"
SW: 232 | CW: 232 | GW: 160
Plan: Semi Body-for-Life

Email: Special Lady

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