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In the past, I have searched the web for sites about people like me with a weight problem and how they over came their obstacles, but I did not find many where the person started out weighing over 150 pounds. So, I have decided to do my own and be my own motivation.
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The Ugly Truth
I just updated my measurements spreadsheet and it wasn’t pretty. I can’t believe it took me so long to do this. I guess I was afraid of what I would see. It has been seven months since I have written down my measurements. Even though it says I only gained three pounds I’ve gained an inch over just about every part of my body, yikes! All I can think is I lost a lot of muscle and gained a lot of fat. Depressing, but motivating at the same time. I don’t have to stay this way. I know I can change.

Well this week was a trial run of how things would work out since I’ve gone back to work. I had decided that I wouldn’t go to the gym last week because my sleep schedule was so off. Each night I couldn’t go to sleep when I wanted to and I didn’t sleep through any of the nights. It wasn’t like I wasn’t tired either. For the first time in my life this week I feel like I have worked the entire day long. I simply had too much work to do to slack off. And I don’t see the light at the end of the tunnel coming anytime soon.

It was funny last week because I didn’t think I would be staying late, but they fooled me. So we ordered dinner at night, and let me tell you my choices weren’t diet friendly. So that is another think that I realized, I can’t order with the group unless I absolutely know that I am going to choose something healthy. So I have decided that I must cook on Sunday for the entire week. I need to pack my lunches because I have been making bad choices there too saying “it’s not that bad”, but those add up eventually.

Today I want to go to the gym, but I don’t know what is holding me back. I think it is because I am expecting too much or I don’t really have a plan I want to use to make me ready to jump on the workout bandwagon. I’m going to go and I am going to start designing my plan today and I’ll hit the gym before 5pm today. I promise.

I’ve made my grocery list and that’s looking good. I know what I’m cooking and I’ve got pretty much all of my meals mapped out for the week so I’m moving in the right direction. I am tempted to take pictures today but I know no changes have occurred in the direction that I want, but again it is to show myself the ugly truth.

In last months Oxygen magazine they had this calendar in it that I am going put on my bedroom wall, so every time I wake up in the morning and think I don’t want to go to the gym I will just look at the fitness model of the month and remind myself that is what I want to look like, so I have to do the work. If it will have an impact we will see. I know I can ignore these types of motivation very easily…lol.
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About Me
Name: Stacey
Home: Queens, New York
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Age: 27
Height: 5'7"
SW: 232 | CW: 232 | GW: 160
Plan: Semi Body-for-Life

Email: Special Lady

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